Written: 1998
Recorded: 1998
And when this storm's clear
I'll be standing right here
I'll survive the sadness of this world
So let the Sun rise
I am Young Man
I'll live a long time
I hope my heart's not set on much
I gotta move slow
And let my eyes close
Trust in this world
With my Life
This one was written alongside "I went down with the dogs" on my grandmother's land on a spring break from college in around 1998.... the first two years of college were BRUTAL as I'd been Overwhelmingly depressed,, so by this point it sounds like I'd finally reached a bit of a psychological clean slate and climbed up to a bit of God's eye view - ..everybody probably knows that feeling, where at the end of a tempestuous LSD trip,, there can be a certain calm that comes over everything that seems to say that 'all is well'... This song was essentially accepting that maybe life can be a simpler thing if you don't try to possess it too much... its an elusive state of mind at times and usually exists in a brief 'peak experience'... regardless,, freezing that feeling into a song kind of acts as a reminding device that all upheaval well settle back down in its own order - ...there is another recording of the song from when I'd written it that I should be able to release on one of the next volumes... but this version on Lost Decade II has always been special as Duncan and I were tripping in my dorm room and the song's sentiment seemed to perfectly fit with the knowingness of the LSD frame of mind... Crucial times :: 10-4