Slow Days don't hold over,, Easy on your brain
When ya throw the clock away,, It just comes back again in it's own way...
Slow Days::.. is a strange one cuz out of almost any song ever I can't remember when it was written...
I know that a few years ago the melody came into my head,, but it seemed borrowed either from myself or someone else,, to the extent that I never recorded it cuz it just seemed like a song that already existed... but the last year or two I've been revisiting old songs more than ever//a new phase of relating to myself and the past,, and it seemed stupid not to document the melody--
To be totally honest,, I thought of Slow Days as almost a tribute song to the effect that Robert Pollard had on everyone in the early 90's...and a blend of AM radio 70's songs (Carpenters, Linda Ronstadt),, the discordant/but effeminate sound of Shudder to Think's 10 spot/Funeral at the Movies,, but mostly it's roots are in the anthemic Pollard songs like this one that totally blow me away,, it's just too good::
..a couple months ago I was moving things around in the basement and an old tape from around '95 fell out,, I picked it up and it has a song called 'Slow Dayz' on it,, I'm so busy with working on new stuff that I haven't had time to listen to it,,, but it's getting to the point where I wouldn't be surprised if I didn't know that I'd written it like 15 years ago...
When I was a real little one and I'd go over to Schoolkids records during the days to talk shit,,, Mac from Merge/Superchunk worked there and would humor me,, the day Vampire on Titus/Propeller came out he handed it to me and said 'since you like Sebadoh you should check this out'... it took me awhile to decide that it was totally great because Vampire is one of Pollard's rougher moments,, but now with hindsight it's obvious some of his greatest songs are on Propeller ('Unleashed! The Large-Hearted Boy', 'Weed King', '14 Cheerleader Coldfront') >>>after you deliver songs like that you just can't be taken out of the history books...10-4